
Friday, February 15, 2013

French Macarons : Baking partners Challenge #7

Baking Partners # 7 comes with a very tough challenge of baking Macarons.The recipe was suggested by Swathi @ Zesty South Indian Kitchen & Vidhya @ A Portion to Share.They had given a detailed recipe with 2-3 articles on trouble shooting problems while making macarons.Though I tried coconut macarons but this was a lot more tougher and trickier than that.Reshmi@ Easy Cook had been the first to bake these and she shared the tips to make these.And Swathi & Vidhya kept the group's morale high by their tips and ideas too.I started off baking these with my fingers crossed,and prepared it in a stage by stage steps.First kept the egg white for aging,then blanched almonds,powdered it fine and finally made these,in fact conquered it in my first bake.I haven't added any color or modifications as I wasn't sure of the outcome.Sandwiched them with chocolate ganache.This was a very good learning experience with all the trouble shoots highlighted by my fellow bakers and could understand better about macarons.I really donno know if I could get it right if I try again and similarly you guys too don't lose heart and its just a matter of the correct way of doing it.Do try & enjoy making these at home !!!!

for macarons
icing sugar/confectioners sugar 1 cup(125 g)
almond flour 3/4 cup (75g)  *refer notes
egg whites 2 large or 60g/60 ml
pinch of cream of tartar/a pinch of salt
super fine sugar 1 tbsp + 1 tsp (20g)

for chocolate ganache filling
semi sweet /bitter sweet chocolate 8 oz(227 g)
heavy whipping cream 3/4 cup(180 ml)
unsalted butter 2 tbsp

Equipments /accesories required
pastry bag
round tip 1/2"
parchment paper
flat cookie tray

  • Age the egg whites- Keep the separated egg whites in a bowl.Cover it with a towel and leave for 3-5 days.I left mine for 3 days and leave it at room temperature for 12-24 hours before you actually start off with the making.
  • Pulse the almond flour and confectioner's sugar until combined.Sift this mixture two times.
  • Whisk the whites in a medium bowl until foamy.Add a pinch of salt and whisk again until soft peaks form.Reduce speed to low and add the superfine sugar.Increase speed to high and whisk until stiff peaks about 5 -6 mins.Sift flour mixture over egg whites,combine the mixture until it is creamy,smooth and shiny.

  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees F and line a tray with parchment paper.Draw a 1 1/2 " round templates on the tray  using a pencil if you are not a good piper like me,leave 1" space in between.Turn the parchment paper and use the other side(you can still see the template below)

  • Transfer the batter to a pastry bag by placing the pastry bag in a glass and pipe 3/4" round on the templates leaving 1" space on the lined parchment tray dragging the pastry tip to the sides of the rounds so that peaks don't form.(Hold the pastry bag at 90 degrees angle)
  • Tap bottom of each tray several times to release trapped air.Prick with a tooth prick rto release any bubble formed on top.Let it stand at room temperature for 15-45 mins or more.(Depends on the weather,humid condition-a simple check is until they form a thin film on top and they are no more tacky to touch)
  • Reduce the oven temperature to 325 degrees F,place the tray to bake one at a time rotating half way through until macarons are crisp and firm.(about 10-12 mins) mine was done at 10 mins.After each batch,Increase the oven temperature to 375 degrees F for 5 minutes and then reduce to 325 degrees F before placing the next batch.

  • Remove from oven after bake & let macarons sit on baking paper for 2-3 minutes.Then transfer on a wire rack after releasing from sheet.If macarons stick spray water underneath the parchment paper.Steam will help to release macarons.
  • Separate out in pairs the same size cookies and keep ready to sandwich with your yummy filling.(I filled mine with chocolate ganache,recipe follows)
  • CHOCOLATE GANACHE :Heat the cream and butter together in a heat proof bowl in a microwave on high for a minute or place in a medium sauce pan and bring to a boil on medium heat.immediately pour it over the chocolate and let it stand without stirring for few minutes,stir gently without incorporating air into the mixture until smooth.Let it thicken for about half an hour at room temperature.then can be transfered to a piping bag and piped into the macaron shells.(I piped it a bit early and so the filling start oozing out from some macarons.)
  • Refrigerate for 24 hours before you taste them as the flavors are incorporated best and the cookies are matured.The filling melds with the macaron cookies after 24-48 hours to give it a nice texture. Let them come to room temperature before serving.

* How to make Almond flour at home- Soak the almonds(about 1 cup) in boiling water for 5-10 mins and blanch the skin using your fingers.Spread it on a clean paper towel/cloth.Leave to dry up the moisture  about half an hour or leave aside a day.Pulse the almonds in the blender until coarsely powdered or until it starts to stick to the blades.Remove from the blender and spread it in a tray.Place it in a pre heated oven to 250 degrees F and remove every 5 minutes,stir and place again without any change in color.Repeat atleast three times until the coarse powder appears very dry.Then blend again in the blender,until powdered.Sieve the powder to get fine almond flour.Measure the 3/4 cup and keep aside.(I refrigerated until further use)
* Store brought egg whites doesn't work good to make macarons.It is always good to separate egg whites from yolk and use.
* Always use stainless steel bowl for whipping egg whites and clean the bowl with a dash of white vinegar to remove any crease of butter/oil otherwise it will not work good.
* Refer this link for the trouble shoot problems while making these.The link is here & here.
* If the oven temperature of 375 degrees not working,then you can preheat and bake at 325 degrees too.
* Popular choices for filling are swiss buttercream frosting,lemon curd,dulce de leche,chocolate ganache,jam.

Linking this to Baking Partners an effort by Swathi @ Zesty South Indian Kitchen :-)

Baking Partners 


  1. Very tough preparation...need lots of patience to make macarons.....awesome

  2. very pretty... looks like small jewels

  3. very good macarons julie... Best with a cup of hot coffee....oh sure want to try this....

  4. Beautifully done Macs Julie and so lovely and perfect they look... :) killer post

  5. Wow they look perfect and yum.. Nice filling

  6. Looks awesome n delicious... Awesome clicks

  7. these look so cute. love to try this one day.

  8. Amazing and perfect macarons dear. Love that chocolate ganache inside. Looks yummy yum!

  9. Well done- I'm truly impressed; they even have a perfect "foot", and you have presented them so well:) Macarons have been on my to-do list for months, but since I do not cook with egg. I plan to use Orgran No-Egg.

  10. awesome recipe and beautiful pictures..

  11. love the way the Macaron's have shaped up.

  12. if i was near u i would have hugged and wished u. really great work words to express my thoughts.. superbly done and nice clicks.. great post dearn

  13. Beauties, prefectly baked gorgeous devils.

  14. Lovely beautiful..i must thank u for the last link u came as an energy booster for me with its loads of information..

  15. So sooo pretty! I have been eyeing macroons for a while now... any idea of an eggless version? Yours looks perfect Julie :)

  16. @Nandita Pai Shirali Though we had a vegan recipe too shared by Swathi but none got it correct dear :)

  17. I really love your macarons. I'll come back tomorrow to read all the post and learn more and more, because it has been a great experience to be in this challenge this month.
    Cheers from Spain, dear Julie.

  18. Good job Julie..I'm definitely going to refer to your notes when I make mine...

    I won a book caled 'Mad about Macarons' and have been dying to make macarons since then...I guess your tips are better than the ones in the book ;-)


  19. Your macarons are looking beautiful. :) I really enjoy making them too. I love the fact that I can add any ingredients into it and have endless possibility on flavors.

    Filling them with chocolate ganache is one of the classic and my one of my favorite too.

  20. Superb Julie, u do wonderful baking. Love the first click. Soo.... tempting

  21. Beautifully made Julie, You nailed it very well.

  22. Julie, very well made and thanks to all your inputs for making my macaron making experience a pleasant one. Awesome presentation :)

  23. perfectly done Julie!!! so perfect and so tempting!!!
    Ongoing Event - Tried and Tasted - Raks Kitchen
    Ongoing Event - Dish it out - Lentils & Garlic
    Ongoing Event - Know Your Dairy - Cheese
    Ongoing Event - What is with my Cuppa?

  24. perfectly done Julie!!! so perfect and so tempting!!!
    Ongoing Event - Tried and Tasted - Raks Kitchen
    Ongoing Event - Dish it out - Lentils & Garlic
    Ongoing Event - Know Your Dairy - Cheese
    Ongoing Event - What is with my Cuppa?

  25. Adipoli Julie...Looks superb...It was fun baking them na..

  26. Beautiful macaron & wonderful presentation.

  27. Nicely finished macroons Julie ...good work :)

  28. Perfect and nicely captured there..I loved the one on violet. Send me some.

  29. perfectly done n loved ur stepwise pics...

  30. Wow! very well done, nice clicks and they look so cute

  31. Wow, nice work Julie, they look so perfect, would love to try this soon..

  32. Julie..well done dear...u got it perfect and have presented in so well .Imoeessed with ur step by step clicks too..will make it easier for others...way to go :)

  33. Wow...fabulous macrons. I appreciate your effort da..:-)

  34. really beautiful macaroons.... wow...

  35. wow excellent job have put in lots of are an excellent chef

  36. I've always wanted to try to make macarons, but I'm always scared that I'll mess them up. But you have mastered them, good stuff :)

  37. So perfect macarons Julie. My macaron challenge has been put off for years. I guess I should try to make this part of my winter baking this year.

  38. Hats off to you Julie....another amazing recipe from you.....Me planning from long to try it, will give a try soon.

  39. Thumbs up to you, Julie! Your macs look perfect! This month's challenge has indeed been a very wonderful learning experience for all of us!

  40. wow...u have done it so perfectly and those macs looks so so delicious...loved ur presentation n pics are too good! GReat Effort Julie!!

  41. Beautiful and perfect macarons with lovely tips.

  42. Oh these look Delish!I could never have done anything like this :)

  43. Great job Julie, very perfectly baked! Your presentation is simply awesome!

  44. I guess after a long time visiting you, I see there is so much change here these days. Loved your macaroons pics and heading pic is too good, presentation is awesome.
    Making Macaroons need lots of patience, great effort dear.


I believe,"A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue,but the parent of all other virtues."So,friends accept my sincere thanks for visiting my space and sparing time to comment too.Your comments and thoughts are my source of inspiration,so please keep them coming !!! :)

