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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Seasoned Oven Roasted Chicken

Oven roasted  Chicken with seasonings had been always our family favorite.I have used chicken breast in this recipe.This chicken recipe is a low fat version of roasting and more healthier too.You can use this method to prepare dishes which require cooked chicken or enjoy with a filling salad.The chicken retains all the flavors and makes it very yummy. My husband is a big fan of this oven roasted chicken and try to seduce your taste buds as well by trying out at home !!!

chicken breast 4 (2lb)
parsley  flakes 1tsp
olive oil 1-2 tbsp
garlic powder 1 tsp
salt to taste
pepper to taste
lemon juice 2tsp
dried basil leaves 1tsp

  • Wash and clean the chicken breast,cut into thin flat slices so that cooking is easier.Pat dry the slices,marinate the chicken slices with salt,pepper powder and lemon juice,leave aside overnight or minimum half an hour.
  • Place the chicken pieces in a tray lined with aluminium foil.Sprinkle the garlic powder,parsley flakes,dried basil leaves and drizzle olive oil on both  sides.

  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.Place the tray & bake for 20 minutes on one side and 15 minutes on the other side.
  • Remove from oven.Cool on wire rack and serve.We enjoyed it as strawberry chicken salad, see link here.
Servings~ 5-6 adults

* You can use the chicken breast pieces without slicing too,but we found that slicing helps the marination to penetrate well and bring out the flavors.
* You can use your desired salad or enjoy just like that.We had with strawberry salad !!


jasna varcakovic said... Best Blogger Tips

Just on time for my (diet) lunch...Yum!

Swathi said... Best Blogger Tips

Delicious chicken breast, Love that you served with strawberry.

Asiya Omar said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! Simply Superb..Soon I'll try this.

Mélange said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely loved the herbs you used here...Indeed a worth recipe to try.

Sweet'n'Savoury said... Best Blogger Tips

Such an inviting the chicken

Nilu A said... Best Blogger Tips

Great recipe! Looks delicious Julie :-)

Sangeetha Nambi said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow ! Looks tempting !

Sona - quick picks/pick quicks said... Best Blogger Tips

perfect sized portions, Julie..yummy luking platter. and..hey! do drop by my new blog - pick quicks when u get the time...glad if u wud be a follower there as well.

Rafeeda AR said... Best Blogger Tips

nice and simple... :)

Priya Satheesh said... Best Blogger Tips

Yummy..Absolutely love this and tempting click!!

Sangeetha Priya said... Best Blogger Tips

delicious n healthy roast...

Divya A said... Best Blogger Tips

Looks super delicious Julie..Parcel me some please :)

Divya A said... Best Blogger Tips

Looks super delicious Julie..Parcel me some please :)

meena said... Best Blogger Tips

wonderful platter,love the color combo,nice click

it looks so juicy and moist.

Medley of Many Things said... Best Blogger Tips

Looks like a gourmet recipe - the chicken is tender and cooked to perfection!!
Also love the salad nearby, the strawberry makes it all the more drool worthy

saraniskitchen said... Best Blogger Tips

looks yumm and inviting...

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

looks very soft n juicy....

Vimitha Durai said... Best Blogger Tips

Chicken looks so soft and juicy... Lovely flavors

Priya Suresh said... Best Blogger Tips

WOnderful platter, prefect for a lazy dinner.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

simple and very healthy..

Home Cooked food said... Best Blogger Tips

yum yum yum. healthy and delicious.

Vineetha Sush said... Best Blogger Tips

my lil one likes this kind of chicken..he even doesnt like the looks of our usual curry and fried chicken thinking its too spicy.but if its like this he will eat happily :)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Such a lovely chicken. Feel like grabbing it.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Such a lovely chicken. Feel like grabbing it.

Priya Elias said... Best Blogger Tips

I love anything with garlic powder in it! The chicken roast sounds great Julie :)

Sanoli Ghosh said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely mouthwatering grilled chicken. Please pass on that plate to me dear.

today's post:

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

As a chicken lover,this is amazing .so flavourfull.

Teena said... Best Blogger Tips

wow...baked chicken with great flavours!! Bookmarked to try soon :) Salad looks really tasty too!

divyagcp said... Best Blogger Tips

Healthy and delicious preparation. Looks very inviting!

Soni said... Best Blogger Tips

Super yummy!Love it :)

Tisa Jacob said... Best Blogger Tips

Great seasonings Julie- I do love roast chicken, especially after seeing this page!