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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Watermelon Granita | Summer Cooler

A perfect season to taste all the refreshing coolers is summer and these drinks serve as the perfect way to quench the thirst too.Fruits and vegetables are found in abundance in this season and we get to taste all different flavors.Watermelon is one such fruit with a high water content and is refreshing when served chilled.When we were kids,one such hot summer vacation train journeys to Kerala reminds me of this very fruit.The three day tiring journey in the hot weather from Delhi was miserable but mom carried lots of cucumber,watermelon,lime packed in ice coolers and chilled water cans to keep us safe from the bubbling heat in the train.Though watermelon was not a newly introduced fruit then but I remember this very incident always.Long train journeys had been an entertaining one with family but at the same time equally tiring too esp in summers.Coming back to this recipe-Watermelon granita.Adding lemon to the juiced fruit and then making similar to ice cream granules(by looks) is indeed a chilled pleasure for kids and even adults too.Enjoy making this simple granita and feel rejuvenated !!

Preparation time ~ 15 minutes
Cooking time ~ nil
Author ~ Julie
Serves ~ a large bowl
watermelon diced 6 cups
lemon juice 2.5 tbsp
granulated sugar 1/3 cup- 1/2 cup

Watch on YouTube -

  • Cut and dice the watermelon in small cubes, leaving out the thick outer portion.Add this to the blender and blend until smooth.Strain for any solid chunks, if any. 

  • Add the lime juice, sugar.Mix well and pour in a glass dish.Cover with cling film and freeze for 2 hours.

  • Take this out and scrape the formed ice with a fork, whatever possible.Freeze again for 45 mins and then remove, repeat the same step, scraping with fork.Repeat the same steps until you can no longer scrape the hard ice any more. Then, deep freeze for 6 hours or overnight.

Finally :)

  • Remove from freezer and then, using a fork scrape the layers gently to form small ice granules.
  • Scoop in glasses and serve chilled !!!

Servings ~ 8 -10 servings

* You can use any other fruit to make granita.
* I have used seedless watermelon to make this.But you can always pit the seeds and use the regular watermelon. Remove seeds if using watermelon seeds.
* The amount of sugar can be modified as per the sweetness of the watermelon.

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Gloria Fernandes said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow!!Loved this refreshing summer cooler..Superb clicks.

great-secret-of-life said... Best Blogger Tips

I have it in my draft also.. so refreshing

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Feel like having a glass right now, nice beautiful color..

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Drooling pics....... Want to try right now. Looks yummm!!!

Swathi said... Best Blogger Tips

Watermelon garnita looks perfect julie love to have that glass.

jasna varcakovic said... Best Blogger Tips

I feel refreshed by looking at it; great photos!

nayana said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow what an inviting granita...lovely clicks...

Motions and Emotions said... Best Blogger Tips

Perfect summer cooler...visit my space too

Tumas Tongue Treats said... Best Blogger Tips

Too tempting Julie

Rafeeda AR said... Best Blogger Tips

so refreshing...

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

refreshing drink sis

radha said... Best Blogger Tips

So inviting on a hot summer day. Looks so good.

Vidya Chandrahas said... Best Blogger Tips

Very delicious and refreshing granita.

Beena said... Best Blogger Tips

Refreshing granita

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Julie such a lovely light dessert :) you have made it so perfect and pretty.

FLAVZCORNER said... Best Blogger Tips

The granita or fruit slushes are always welcoming during summer. I remember those train journey's from my childhood too :)... tons of cucumbers, cantaloupe and different kind of melons are still in my memory.

Home Cooked food said... Best Blogger Tips

wow it looks so amazingly refreshing, perfect for hot day like today.

Sona said... Best Blogger Tips

Refreshing granita.. nice clicks too..

nandoos kitchen said... Best Blogger Tips

very refreshing cooler

Manju said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a watermelon fan...and this is a must try!!!