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Monday, November 03, 2014

Sweet Raisin buns | Indian Bakery Buns (Step by Step Pics)

Sweet raisin buns was one of my favorites in childhood days.Many of you might have also been crazy about these sweet pillow buns from the local bakeries in Kerala.There was a second variation of this same recipe with tutty fruity on top instead of raisins too.You can use either of the two.This was a long time wished and tried recipe to recreate the same tastes.A cup of tea or coffee is good enough to dip and gobble too but I personally like to eat it just like that.If you're missing these soft buns then do give this a try & enjoy !!

Adapted here
all purpose flour 3 3/4 cups
sugar 1/2 cup
active dry yeast 1 sachet or 2 1/4 tsp
salt 1 tsp
butter or oil 1/4 cup melted
egg 1(separate out egg yolk and egg white)
warm milk 1/2 cup + 2tbsp
warm water 1/2 cup

  • Sift the flour,sugar(reserve 1 tsp) and salt in a bowl.Mix well,keep aside.
  • In a bowl,mix the  yeast with leuk warm water and reserved 1 tsp sugar.Leave it for 5 mins till the yeast becomes frothy and rises up.(see pic)
  • In the dough mixture,add the frothy yeast mixture and then add the milk.Add in the reserved egg yolk and knead.Add the butter at the end to get a smooth yet sticky dough.Knead for 5-6 mins.

  • Oil a bowl and leave to rise.Oil the top of the dough too,keep the dough covered for 1 hour.
  • After an hour,you will find the dough doubled in size.Punch out the air and thenadd raisins,mix well.  Make equal portions(about 12-16 balls).Now re roll each ball and make it to get a somewhat smooth surface.
  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees F and then line a tray with parchment paper.
  • Brush the top with beaten egg wash(reserved) or butter liberally.(gives the golden brown).Leave covered with a damp towel for 15 more minutes to rise.Then brush again with remaining egg white and then place in pre heated oven for 10-15 minutes(mine got done only by 15 -16 mins).
  • Brush the top with butter.
  • Cool on wire rack and enjoy with milk or tea !!
Servings~12 buns

Few things to note when baking with yeast-
* The dough should be sticky and not smooth when left to rise.
* The yeast should be mixed in leuk warm water and not boiling water.If you get wrong here,then the whole recipe will not work good.Adding boiling water will only kill the yeast.Preferably use water as a medium to mix yeast,gives best results.
* Add the butter or oil towards the end of making dough.
* Keep the dough covered to rise or use a damp towel to cover.
*Oil the bowl and the top of the dough to prevent sticking and drying up.
*Adding egg just adds taste and flavor to the recipe.Omit if you wish an eggless one,use milk instead for the same quantity.
*You can use butter or oil,both works fine.
* Don't forget to use egg wash or milk or butter  on the top to get a golden brown crust.
* After bake,always brush the top immediately with butter,gives a soft crust on top.
* Use the same recipe to make hamburger buns if you wish,reduce sugar to 2tsp and sprinkle sesame seeds on top.

Plaited Bread

Stuffed buns with coconut filling
Stuffed buns with savory filling
Shaped Dinner rolls


Babitha said... Best Blogger Tips

perfect ,just like we get in bakery

Fullscoops said... Best Blogger Tips

Delicious looking buns!

Gloria Fernandes said... Best Blogger Tips

Ohh yumm.. Just look at that pillow soft delish buns.. Too good dear

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

the buns looks super soft adn super spongy

nandoos kitchen said... Best Blogger Tips

nice buns. Would make a nice snack!

Anu Yalo said... Best Blogger Tips

soft spongy perfect buns...

Rafeeda AR said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow!!! Just look at them! These would be awesome with a cup of warm milk or even better, hot chocolate!!! So soft and pillowy...

Beena said... Best Blogger Tips

Yummy cute buns

Home Cooked food said... Best Blogger Tips

Damn, I just finish my tea, now need more tea to finish this buns, looks awesome

Thermofan. Marisa G. said... Best Blogger Tips

Send me a dozen, sure we'll love them. Yum!

FLAVZCORNER said... Best Blogger Tips

These are my favorite. I make them with stuffing coconut,nuts & raisins too. A perfect tea time snack!!

Nargis Aara said... Best Blogger Tips

What lovely buns these r soft and yummm :D so nicely done ya

PrathibhaSreejith said... Best Blogger Tips

Looks awesome Julie, I always loved those bakery rolls :-)

Suja Manoj said... Best Blogger Tips

Perfect with a cup of tea,soft and yummy

Indu said... Best Blogger Tips

I can smell those buns here! Mmmm! I want it warm with a glass of milk on the side.


cookbookjaleela said... Best Blogger Tips

looks very perfect , must try.

Merry Tummy said... Best Blogger Tips

sounds pretty exciting and interesting. Great recipe:)Lovely pictures:)

meena said... Best Blogger Tips

Wish this bakery was somewhere near by!Such pretty buns Julie, u have a special way of waking my nostalgia.

Sona said... Best Blogger Tips

Perfectly baked soft buns!

Pavithra kumar said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi Julie,

Thank you for posting this recepies.I was looking for a perfect bun recepie & at last found your recepie. I tried the recepie today & it turned out so perfect!! Buns were soft & fluffy. Thanks again :)

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks Pavithra for the feedback...Am happy the buns turned out perfect.Happy baking !!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Wonderful recipe. Tried it number of times, handmade. I have now bought a Kitchenaid Stand Mixer. Would the procedure remain the same ? Kindly let me know if you can.

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

NR G: Thanks for the comment..yes, the procedure remains the same whether hand made or stand mixer. Combine the yeast mixture, flour , egg,melted butter and milk in the bowl and then run on low speed for 7-8 mins.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Really good when split and spread with creamy butter. If you have any left the next day, split and toast them then spread with butter but watch the drips running down your fingers.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

How many raisins it’s not listed