
Saturday, October 07, 2017

Chocolate Truffles ~ Easy Sweet

Chocolates are always in demand whether it be a festive season, a birthday party, a work party or any joyful occasion. How about chocolate truffles? Chocolate truffles are rich elegant bite size chocolates made from a creamy mixture of chocolate,cream and butter that can be dressed up with different coverings. Cocoa or chopped dry nuts or shaved chocolates or icing sugar can be used. I used three diffrerent type of coverings and loved the nuts covering the best. truffles can also be used to decorate any chocolate cake as a topping. Truffles store very well and they best serve at room temperature. They can be stored in refrigerator for months. If you have left out chocolate ganache after you use up for some recipes,you can directly make use of ganache to roll them in truffles. The chocolate ganache recipe and this truffle recipe are almost the same.Diwali is close by and if yo are looking to gift something quick and homemade,then here is a wonderful choice to gift your loved ones.There is hardly any cooking time and very less effort to put together. Kids will definitely love it,enjoy !!

Cooking time ~ 3- 4 minutes
Serves ~ 15 small truffles
semisweet or bittersweet chocolate 4 oz/150g
heavy cream 4 oz/ 1/2 cup
unsalted butter 1 tbsp

cocoa powder 1-2 tbsp
powdered almonds,walnuts and cashews 3-4 each
icing sugar 2 tbsp

  • Take the chocolate in a bowl and break in pieces. Keep aside.
  • Heat the cream and butter over medium heat till it almost reaches boiling point. Pour immediately to the chocolate bowl.Let it stand for 2-3 minutes and then mix the chocolate with a spoon/ spatula,till it melts completely with the cream(if the cream doesn't melt completely then use double boil method or microwave for 20 secs).Whisk the chocolate using a wire whisk and add the liqueur if using(I haven't used). Cover and place this mixture in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight until its firm.
  • Keep your coating ready in a plate (I rolled few in cocoa, few in powdered cashews,almonds and walnuts mix and few in icing sugar).
  • Remove the truffle mixture from refrigerator and scoop out small portions of the truffle mixture using a spoon or melon baller. Immediately roll it in the cocoa powder or crushed nuts. Place on a parchment paper and refrigerate until its firm again. These can be stored in refrigerator for months or can be made before hand and kept (I had no left overs as I made a small batch of 15,got over in two days).

* The recipe is adapted from joy of baking. The recipe is the same as the chocolate ganache recipe except for the rolling with nuts and cocoa powder. You can use any left over ganache for making these cute truffles.
* You can add half a tbsp of liqueur like cognac or brandy to the mix for added flavor. I haven't used that.

You may also like these-
* Chocolate fudge Squares
* Chocolate Raspberry Bars
* Chocolate Covered Almond stuffed Dates
* Chocolate Truffle Cupcakes


  1. Like the one with the white coating :-)

  2. Sounds so yummy. Kids might have enjoyed it.

  3. Dear Julie, these truffles are delicious. I'm a chocolate addict. I wish to have some right now. Enjoy!

  4. I have always wanted to make these, but I fear I will sit and finish them off so never made them... hehe... maybe when I get a group to share, I must try...

  5. adipoli... looks so yum that I want to pick one off the screen


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