
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Amla Hair Oil & Aloe Vera Hair Oil - DIY | Homemade Hair Oils (Step by Step Pics)

Hair is an important aspect as far as a human being is considered. I don't know how many will agree to this but I strongly feel that the first thing a person notices as you look at him/her is their face and the hair that's part of face. Hair,as we all know can make you look younger for a male and enhances the beauty of a female as well. But these days, many are facing issues of hair fall due to many factors. The factors can be the lifestyle, the habits or hereditary or due to any illness or pollution. Everyone is busy with so many things that hair is usually ignored and becomes crucial only when the issue has reached its peak. About few months back,I got a mail requesting to post hair nourishing oil recipe and I was like then I should definitely post these hair nourishing oil recipes which have proved helpful to me. That's how I thought to share my homemade hair oil as a post. I make both these alternatively so that both help to keep the hair strength. I have 4-5 aloe vera plants at home and so making aloe hair oil was an easy task. Amla is coming up in season now and you can always dry and use later throughout year.
I wouldn't say that having long hair shows the strength of the hair roots neither do I have long hair. But keeping your scalp healthy and nourishing the roots,moisturizing the hair with oil has been my priority these days. Make sure to oil your hair atleast once or twice a week which will solve or bring down many issues concerned with hair. I had not been taking care of my hair after school days and used to use all sorts of shampoos which left the hair brittle at one point of life. Pregnancy and post delivery went through another course of hair fall which seriously made me think what to do about my hair. After trying so many products,finally settled on trying out natural home remedies and it really worked. Being from Kerala, we keralites only apply coconut oil to hair. so my preparations are all based on coconut oil as the base. And experts claim coconut to be one of the best nourishing oil for hair too.I even started to prepare my own hair oil which really worked wonders on the hair. Though this is not a food recipe but as far as ladies are concerned this is a keeper and do bookmark it up to try.


Preparation time~ 10 minutes
Cooking time~20-25 minutes
Author~ Julie
for amla hair oil
amla(gooseberry) 250 gms fresh or dried 100gms
curry leaves a small bunch
coconut oil 1 liter

How did I prepare ?
  • You can use fresh curry leaves too. But here I have used dried curry leaves. Keep fresh curry leaves in sun for 2-3 days.
  • Use dry amla pieces to make oil. Cut and sun dry the amla pieces for 3-4 days till its crisp.

  • Add the coconut oil,dry amla pices and curry leaves. Place the pan on low-medium flame and  simmer. Then, let the amla pieces swell up well and in the meantime,the curry leaves turns blackish and the amla pieces starts to float on top.At this point,switch off flame and leave to cool.
* If you don't have time to dry amla then just crush the amla(without seeds) in a mortar and pestle and add to the coconut oil. Add fresh curry leaves and then simmer it in oil till the amla pieces turn brownish black and the water content in the oil is considerably reduced. I( have tried this way too,works out fine.


Preparation time ~ 20 minutes
Cooking time ~ 15 minutes
Serves ~ a small bottle
for aloe vera hair oil
aloe gel 3/4 cup
coconut oil 3/4 cup

How did I prepare ?
I used to three aloe vera leaf, wash under running water and then leave it in a glass standing to drain the yellow sap or aloe latex. This may be irritating to some skin types.I extracted the gel in a bowl and then put it in a blender. Run the mixer till its smooth and without lumps,it may take few times until everything looks crushed and liquid. Add in a kadai /heavy bottomed pan and add coconut oil. Bring to a boil and then simmer on low flame for 15-20 minutes. The popping sound in the oil stops and turns slightly yellowish brown in color( you may also see sediments).  The oil shouldn't be put on high flame as the oil contains watery aloe gel which will splatter out and aloe vera gel shouldn't be boiled over on high heat. Switch off flame,leave to cool and strain the contents. Squeeze out any oil from the strained sediments too(I generally squeeze this out separately and use this immediately to finish off soon and leave the clear oil undisturbed). Transfer this to clean dry bottles and is ready for use.

HOW TO USE BOTH OILS - Warm the required amount of oil slightly and then apply on the scalp gently. Leave oil for half-one hour if possible. Wash the hair with water and a mild shampoo. Towel dry,

* I used coconut oil and aloe gel in the ratio 1: 1 but ideally 1:1/2(coconut oil) ratio should be used if using for severe hair loss.
* There is no particular quantity of aloe gel needed, just remember the ratio and make the oil accordingly.
* I usually add a pinch of jeera(cumin seeds) too in the amla hair oil.



  1. hello,

    I have gone though your post of Amla hair oil and aloe gel oil. i have one question for you. is this solves the, grey or white hairs to turn black hair?
    if so, please let me know about this.

    please reply me about this as soon s possible

    1. Hi Ranjini, this oil doesn’t turn grey or white hairs to black but then it does stop other black hairs to turn grey in the long run.

  2. Hi thanks for the amazing recipe :) can't wait to try it out !! Since I love both aloe and amla for my hair i was thinking if i could blend in both of them and make a single oil rather than seperate ones ? Would it decrease it's effectiveness as an individual oil or wouldn't make much difference :)

    1. Yes, you can try that way mixing both and preparing the oil. I have tried making both together and it has given me good results but a word of caution is if you are allergic or if one(amla or aloe vera) doesn't suit your hair/scalp then you can't distinguish what caused the issue. So, I would suggest going one by one if you are trying out a hair oil for the first time. Later on, can be combined and made. Hope this helps.


I believe,"A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue,but the parent of all other virtues."So,friends accept my sincere thanks for visiting my space and sparing time to comment too.Your comments and thoughts are my source of inspiration,so please keep them coming !!! :)

