
Monday, June 18, 2018

Chakka Jam | Chakkapazham Jam | Jackfruit(ripe) Jam (Step by Step Pics)

Chakka season is almost to an end this year and unfortunately couldn't munch much of this fruit except for three or four good ones. Some of the jackfruits are still getting mature and will be ready only in another two months. However,its a known fact that this fruit doesn't taste sweet once rain starts. And so I feel no much chances of getting good ripe ones anymore this year. Last year we had plenty of jackfruit in both homes and so I tried lot of chakka recipes. This is definitely a keeper recipe and this is my trial and error version of my own jams. Came out really good but that jam has predominant flavors of chakka aka jackfruit. The color of the jam is similar to mango jam. And I made a big batch of this jam and I could send a batch to my sis and home too.However, in my next trial I would definitely go about adding a citrus touch to this sweet jam. Oranges may pair well with this jam and I would prefer adding them to this sweet jam to break the sweet flavor slightly. Otherwise this is a perfect jam for all and you need only very less sugar as chakka(jackfruit) itself is very sweet. Do try out if you still get hold of good jackfruit and preserve all the year.

Preparation time~ 20 minutes
Cooking time ~ 45 minutes
Serves ~ 3 jam bottles
chakka/chakkapazham /ripe jackfruit chopped 6 cups or 850 gms
sugar 400 gms
citric acid 1/2 tsp or lemon juice of 2 lemon

  • Clean and deseed the jackfruit seeds. Cut the jackfruit in small pieces and cook the jackfruit in a cooker. Add half cup water and cook for three whistles.
  • Cool the cooked jackfruit and puree the jackfruit in a blender without adding any water.
  • Heat a thick bottomed pan and add the sugar with 1/4 cup water. Bring this to *one string consistency and then lower the flame. Now, add the pureed jackfruit and mix well. Keep the flame low and keep the pan covered as the liquid splatters all around if you keep the flame on high. In between uncover the lid and give a quick stir as there are chances of the mixture getting struck to the bottom of the pan and get burnt.

  • After about 30 minutes of stir in between, the mixture is reduced considerably and splashes are reduced as the water content is reduced.
  • Now keep stirring continously using a long handle spoon for another 15 minutes. Add the lemon juice at this point or citric acid if using. The jam can be tested by placing a dropful on a plate and wait to cool. When this gets cooled down,tilt the plate to see if the drop of jam rolls down. If it stays there then jam is ready.
  • Switch off flame and leave to cool completely. Store in air tight glass bottles in refrigerator. Remove as much needed each time,bring to room temperature and use.

* Use long handle wooden spoon to mix the jam and stir. There is enough heat transferred to the hands and jam making is a long process so constant stirring needs a lighter spoon or else you may land up with sore hands.
* One string conisistency or oru nool pakam is when the sugar syrup consistency is thick and when you take a drop in between your thumb and index finger,then a string like consistency is formed.
* If you are making a small batch then adjust the ratio of sugar and jackfruit accordingly. I took in the ratio 2: 1(jackfruit : sugar).
* Also depending on the sweetness of jackfruit,add more sugar if needed. The ones I used tasted like honey so had to use less sugar.

Check out more chakkapazham(ripe jackfruit) recipes here-
* Chakka Kumbilappam
* Chakka Ada
* Chakka Varetti
* Chakka Unniyappam 

For more homemade jams,click this link here.


  1. Dear Julie, I'm very fond of jam and I've got some jam recipes in my blog.
    I know jackfruit, from Swathi recipes, but I can't remember if I tasted when I was in India.
    Love the texture and I'm sure is delicious.


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