
Monday, August 06, 2018

Corn Cheese Sandwich( Step By Step Pics) ~ Quick Breakfast

Simple dishes that require less than ten minutes to assemble is an inviting one for busy moms. This is one such recipe that can be put together in few minutes. Corn is a versatile veggie that can be added to all types of recipes and the sweetness adds flavor to whatever dish you add,Isn't it? This was just another demand from kids to have some sandwiches. I searched my refrigerator to find an ingredient that can be added to the filling and which kids love too. My attention fell on the fresh corn and immediately and thought to add this to the sandwich. The only elaborate cooking involved is cooking the corn and if you are using frozen corn then this step is simplified all the more,just thaw and use. Am not a mayonnaise fan and so needed a blending accompaniment that goes well with corn. So decided to make a spread using thick yogurt,mint and spices which wonderfully clicked away. The added topping of cheese gave a creamy and delicious sandwich,kids totally loved the warm sandwiches and I too enjoyed,he he.. Try these out,am sure all will love these !

Preparation time ~ 10 minutes
Cooking time ~ 10 minutes(excluding corn cook time)
Serves ~ 5 sandwiches
Author ~ Julie

bread slices 10
corn cob 1 or frozen corn 1 cups
mozarella cheese 3/4 cup
butter to smear  2 tbsp

to grind
mint leaves 1/2 cup chopped
*hung curd 2 tbsp
green chilli 1
garlic clove 1 small
pepper powder to taste
salt to taste

  • Boil the corn using water and salt. Using a knife scrape the corn kernels.
  • Grind the ingredients to a smooth paste. The hung curd should be mildly sour else it may not taste good. If its not sour then add lime juice to compensate. Mix the corn to this mixture,give a quick toss.
  • Spread the corn mixture on the bread. Put the grated mozarella cheese. Cover with another slice of bread. Spread butter on top of the bread.

  • Invert the butter spread side on a heated pan and place a plate on top of the bread. Gently place weight on top of the plate to give the toaster effect(check this post here to learn on placing the weight on the bread). Cook on low medium flame for a minute and then spread butter on the exposed side of the bread. Now flip this side down and place weight again. Cook another 45 seconds and then serve on a plate.
  • If you are using grill toaster,then go as per the toaster instructions(I have never felt the need of a toaster as I make sandwiches not very frequently and this method above works perfectly good). Cut in two and serve warm on a plate.

* You can use lime juice instead of hung yogurt.
* You can use any other herbs like coriander leaves instead of mint leaves. However,mint adds a nice flavor.
* If you are using regular yogurt then pour 1/2 cup of yogurt in a muslin or cheese cloth  and hang for 5-6 hours or overnight to get the hung curd.

Check out other quick recipes from this space:
* Strawberry Bell Pepper Cheese Sandwich

* Lemon Blueberry Pancakes
* Strawberry Shrikhand
* Mango Avacado Salsa 
* Quick Egg Masala 
* Chocolate Truffles 
* Dossizza

Enjoy :)


  1. I like corn very much; so that's something for me

  2. love the idea of hung curd + cheese....this is so flavourful and healthy

  3. That looks like a perfect lunch or snack after school!

  4. Such a simple recipe but yet a flavorful and tasty sandwich!

  5. Perfect sandwich and looks like made using toaster.. Will try :)

  6. I love the combination of cheese and corn.This sandwich looks so good and filled with flavors.Lovely pics too...

  7. Craving for this cheesy and yummy


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