
Monday, January 07, 2019

Egg Chicken Kathi Rolls (Kolkata Style) | Indian Chicken Frankie (Step by Step Pics)

Kathi rolls are the famous rolls from Kolkata. These street food rolls make a complete filling meal and has carbs,proteins,vitamins and minerals in select quantities. I make these egg chicken ones and they have all in one funda type (eggs, chicken,veggies and spicy chutneys). This post has been sitting in my drafts since three months now and finally this is in the limelight today. I have made these rolls couple of times and never have the kids turned it down as my little ones love these kind of quick filling lunch packs or even for a quick dinner. And I feel our work is also considerably reduced if you are planning to make these. These are far more healthier than the burgers and pizzas. The chutneys add the spice- sour flavors that compliment in the rolls. You can even try making these rolls from left over curried chicken for a quick kathi roll version. Don't let the chicken get dried up completely while cooking, get it on the juicier side to get the roles more delicious. Try it out if you still didn't, am sure all will love these !!

Preparation time ~ 30 minutes
Cooking time ~  25-30 minutes
Serves ~ 9-10 rolls
Author ~ Julie

for cover
wheat flour 1.5 cups (210 gms)
maida /all purpose flour 1/2 cup (35 gms)
salt  to taste
oil(any neutral ) 1tbsp

for filling
*chicken(breast + thighs) 500 gms
ginger-garlic paste 1tbsp
chilly powder 1tsp
turmeric powder 1/2 tsp
pepper powder 3/4 tsp
lime juice 1 tsp
salt to taste
coriander leaves or cilantro 1tbsp
oil  2 tsp
bell pepper(capsicum) sliced thin 1/4 cup(optional)

eggs 3 lightly beaten 

sliced carrots 2
sliced onion 1
sliced cucumber 1
*chopped green chillies 2-3
spicy green chutney 3tbsp
tomato sauce 3tbsp

  • Marinate the chicken using the ingredients listed above for an hour or overnight. Heat oil in a pan then and add the coated chicken with marinade and cook. Cook covered for 5-7 minutes and then open lid,cook again till the chicken dries up (3/4 th of the moisture is dried). Add the sliced bell pepper now and saute again for 2 minutes till slightly wilted and the moisture in chicken is dried completely. Switch off flame and add chopped coriander leaves.

  • Make the dough using the wheat flour and maida. Add salt and oil,add water as needed and make a soft dough like for chapathis. Keep covered for 30 minutes.

  • In the meantime make the spicy green chutney (or use readymade) and chop all toppings veggies carrots,onions,green chillies and cucumbers. Lightly beat the egg with little salt and keep aside.

  • Now start preparing the chapathis. Divide dough in equal portions (make a bigger ball than for one chapathi).
  • Roll the chapathis as thin as possible. Heat a non stick pan/ tava and place the chapathis. One side is cooked and flip the other. Brush the beaten egg on top and let it cook. Flip both sides and cook. Make sure the sides are cooked well,smear oil/ghee as needed. Serve on a plate.

  • Repeat making the other chapathis /parathas. 


  • Place the chicken filling on the center and add sliced onions,cucumbers, carrots and green chillies(if using). Add the spicy green chutney on top and tomato sauce.

  • Roll from one side away from you  tightly holding the filling intact. Use butter paper as needed to roll tightly. I folded the kids ones slightly different- first fold the 1'' fold at the bottom and then starting the opposite side roll it tight so that the filling doesn't slip off and is intact.

* I used a combination of wheat flour and maida. You can use maida alone. But using wheat flour may yield thick chapathis as the gluten in maida helps to stretch and these crepes need to be as thin as possible. So its better to add a little maida (all purpose flour) to increase the elasticity of the dough so that the chapathis can be stretched as thin as possible.
* Chicken boneless is used for this recipe. You can use any boneless pieces but I used a combination of both (breast and thighs) so that the chicken is not very dry. Modify as per your family preferences.
* Adding capsicum is optional and you may leave out if you don't wish to.
* Brushing egg on the chapathis make the chapathis more pliable and helps to prevent tearing of chapathis.
* Use hot chilly sauce instead of spicy green chutney if you wish.
* Add green chillies while cooking chicken and also as topping too but I haven't used that as kids may get to bite in between and may not like the heat.
* You can use left over curried chicken to make things faster. 


  1. This looks like a really tasty weekday meal! Love those homemade wraps.

  2. You reminded me about my Kolkata college days.. looks yumm

  3. My kind of breakfast, simply yummy..

  4. I have been wanting to make these for quite sometime now.. Ur pis are tempting me :)


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