
Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Rose Water- DIY

Rose water is a perfect toner and is used for many face packs. Rose water making is a simple recipe that you can try making at home when you have roses in abundance. The rose petals when boiled and the strained liquid forms the rose infusion and is not rose water, lately did I understand this and so thought to share this info. When making rose water the water on commercial basis, they have large distilling process but making this at home, we can improvise the procedure as listed below. The commercial one has a strong smell which will be lacking in the homemade one, but it's in the pure form. The infusion may need refrigeration, but rose water can be stored at room temperature. Give this a try!!

Preparation time ~ 10 minutes
Cooking time ~ 25 minutes
Serves ~ a small bottle (25 ml0
Author ~ Julie
rose petals 1/2 cup
water 2.5 cups 

Wash and clean the petals in water after removing the stalk.
Add the petals in a bowl, place a katori in the centre of the pan to place another bowl on top of this to collect the rose water else this bowl may dip down in the boiling water, and you may not get pure rose water. So placing a katori or a round stand or anything firm to give height to this bowl is fine.
Then you need a lid like a glass lid that can be covered upside down so that the condensation water drips into the bowl, which is the pure rose water. The glass lids that come these days have a small hole at the side for the steam to seep out. Make sure to close the hole with some atta.
Now put the petals around the katori in the utensil and add the water(2.5 cups). Place the collecting bowl on top of the katori / stand.
Place the utensil on flame and let it come to a boil, cover the glass lid upside down and place few ice cubes on this lid so that the condensed water under the lid flows down in the bowl to fasten the process. After around 25 minutes of boiling, the water is collected in the top bowl.
Remove carefully, and the rose petals turn pale or off-white. The boiled water with the petals can be strained and this is the infusion. This can also be used for cosmetic purposes but has to e used within short time, the shelf life is short.

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