
Friday, November 29, 2019

Chakka Avalose Unda | Jackfruit Balls (Step By Step Pics)

Chakka kanichu kothipicho ? So sorry folks !!
I know its not fair to showcase recipes that require seasonal fruits esp jackfruit. Am also longing to see them in season soon. This is from my drafts that gets to see light now as I was on hibernation, hi hi. Last season I got hold of a good bunch of jackfruit in season and tried out many recipes but relocating and settling to a new place forbid me from clicking pictures many a time as I was setting up the home, the camera was packed and many such vague reasons. Anyways wish jackfruits are soon in season to click all the tried out recipes and share in my space.

This is one such keeper that you can bookmark to try out soon. I happened to watch a cookery show wherein they used pineapple in this recipe and I had jackfruits ready at hand then. Why not give the unda(balls) a try with jackfruit ? Immediately tried it out and everything got over within minutes. I had to try again to post here the second time but this time I tried this when all were away to school and office. Smart me? hmmm.. Clicked all pictures and as soon as kids came they just grabbed few and gobbled.

The sweet soft filling inside with jackfruit, grated coconut, cardamom flavor reminds of Jackfruit ela ada(chakka ada). and the outer covering tastes like avalose unda. So its a cute surprise inside avalose unda. Interesting ? Am sure kids will fall for these cute balls. Try these out for an evening snack and am sure it gets over in minutes. You can use store brought avalose podi too to roll these balls and can make the filling ahead and store in fridge. Isn't that great to shape them and surprise your guests.

Preparation time ~ 10 mins
Cooking time ~ 10 mins
Serves ~ 12 - 14 small balls
chakka / ripe jackfruit 1 cup sliced
avalose podi 1.5- 2 cups
sharkara / jaggery 1/2 cup
grated coconut 1/2 cup
cardamom powder 1/2 tsp
chukku podi 1/4 tsp


  • Deseed the jackfruit and slice them in small pieces. Keep aside.
  • Heat a pan and add the jaggery to melt adding 1/4 cup water. Strain to remove any impurities, put back the syrup in pan. Let it come to a boil and get a one string consistency.

  • In that add grated coconut and mix. The fresh grated coconut leaves out water so continue cooking till the moisture is dried out (If you are adding dry dessicated coconut then the moisture dries out soon, keep a check).  Now add cardamom powder, chukku podi give a quick mix. Then finally add sliced jackfruit pieces. Cook the jackfruit slightly on high flame as you don't want to lose the crunchiness completely and dry out the moisture (may take another 2-3 mins). Switch off flame and leave to cool slightly and start making balls out of the mixture. 

  • The mixture may be sticky and may get shapeless balls (can add a little ghee to the palm and try rolling). Its okay to have shapeless balls as we will again roll in avalose podi to get shapes.
  • Add the avalose podi in a plate and place the rolled mixture on this. Roll each ball in the avalose podi and make balls firmly by pressing by placing in our palm(as seen in pics).  Place on a plate with a spread of avalose podi to coat once again, wait to cool completely. Serve with tea.

* The filling inside is soft with a crumbly coating of avalose on the outside.
* I have already shared the recipe of avalose podi in this post, check out.
* Remember to get one string consistency of jaggery before adding coconut an jackfruit pieces.
* Adding chukku podi is optional but I prefer as jackfruit causes gastric discomfort.
* You can use dry dessicated coconut from market (unsweetened). Also can use store brought avalose podi to make this recipe but I have used homemade avalose podi.
* Alter the amount of jaggery depending on the sweetness of jackfruit.
* I haven't stored these for long after making as gets over soon in a small batch. So am not sure of the shelf life.


  1. I have never had a jackfruit. These balls are delicious and exotic!

  2. Nalla rasam undu, looks so delicious, will surely try this:)

  3. Sounds interesting..have nevee tasted it.seems yummy

  4. These jackfruit balls look so tasty...will bookmark it to try it soon


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