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Monday, January 20, 2020

Ragi Chocolate Cupcakes | Panjipullu(Finger Millet) Choco Cupcakes ~ Step by Step Pics

As we all know ragi or finger millet is a power pack of energy and is much needed for all age groups esp growing children. Ragi is one of the best non diary sources of calcium. Regular consumption of ragi is beneficial for bone health and keeps osteoporosis at bay and reduces risk of fracture. The phytochemicals in ragi slows the digestive process and so its highly benefical to patients with diabetes, controls blood sugar effectively. Ragi is also beneficial to relax, reduce stress and reduce migraine attacks. These tiny seeds are good source of natural iron and so helps maintain the overall health. I use finger millet to prepare puttu,ada, peechappam, porridge, laddus and many other kids friendly recipes that are devoured happily without much fuss.

Honestly speaking, I have never tried ragi in bakes until recently. The reason being very obvious that whole ragi flour is gluten free like rice flour and so tends to remain very dry in most recipes. The right mixing of the ragi flour with any of the gluten flours gives you excellent results too. Also when baking with whole flours, you  must be careful when beating the wet ingredients. Off late, I learnt a few tricks and tips to get the whole flours in baking. The eggs shouldn't be beaten very fluffy and light when mixing to whole flours as the whole flour like wheat or ragi tends to flatten the aeration in the beaten egg. The resultant product will be a hard dense mass of cake/ cupcake. Lightly beating the eggs gives better results. Fat content is an important constituent when baking with ragi as it reduces the dryness of gluten free flour. I have used oil here in this bake but you can replace the same amount with butter. Milk is used too to get the right texture of the cupcake batter and the batter is of flowing consistency like dosa batter. Baking tie may vary as per ovens so keep a watch after the first 15 minutes of bake.
These cupcakes can be made before hand and can be sent to school for snacks or can be served to kids as quick breakfast with a cup of hot milk. One cupcake is good enough for a filling snack as its made with whole flours. There are no fancy gadgets needed to bake these little cutees and you will definitely get good results. Adding cocoa powder to these cupcakes was to mask any trace of ragi if felt in flavors and to my surprise even the grown up adult couldn't recognize the secret ingredient ;) Cocoa definitely gave that chocolaty flavor and kids were insisting on adding an extra dollop of whipped cream on top for added tastes. Do give this a try and am sure you will love these !!

Preparation time ~ 10 mins
Baking time ~ 20-25 mins
Serves ~ 8 cupcakes
Author ~ Julie
dry ingredients
ragi flour 1/2 cup
wheat flour 1/2 cup
cocoa powder 1/4 cup
baking powder 1 tsp
salt a pinch

wet ingredients
eggs 2
oil (any neutral oil like sunflower, vegetable, canola) 1/3 cup
milk 1/3 cup
powdered sugar 3/4 cup
vanilla essence 1 tsp


  • Sift the flours twice with baking powder, cocoa powder and salt.
  • Beat the eggs lightly, add in the powdered sugar. Add in the oil, milk and vanilla essence.
  • Add the flour in three batches to the wet mix and combine until incorporated well. 

  • Pre heat oven to 350 degrees F or 180 degrees C. Pour the batter in the prepared cupcake pan. Bake in the pre heated pan for 20- 25 mins.

  • Cool on wire rack and serve at room temperature with a cup of milk.
* If you wish to try a non diary version, then replace whole milk with almond/ soy milk.
* You may also use powdered organic jaggery or good quality brown sugar instead of granulated white sugar.
* Replace oil to butter if you wish to have a more richer taste.

Just a peek into the cupcake ;)


Check this link here for all ragi recipes in one page.


Angie's Recipes said... Best Blogger Tips

These chocolate muffins turned out beautiful and I bet they taste very yummy.

Thermofan. Marisa G. said... Best Blogger Tips

Dear Julie. Gime chocolate and I go whenever you tell me. Your cupcakes are delicious. I'll take one or two if you don't mind.

Rafeeda AR said... Best Blogger Tips

Such a beautiful looking muffin! I remember baking with ragi sometime ago and it was delicious, but that was an eggless bake with yogurt I suppose... It never made to the blog, since the pics were crappy... hehe... Thanks for sharing all the tips and tricks for making these super fluffy muffins...

Rochelle said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank you for the recipie! Tried the recipie with my 6yr old. Was a bit hit!

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks so much for the feedback.. feeling very happy 😊

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank you Julie for the lovely recipe.I have baked it with my 8 year old Grand Daughter who has become very happy to see such lovely cupcakes.I have used Jaggery instead of sugar to make it more healthy.It has turned out very delicious.

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks so much for the feedback.. Feeling so good to know that you liked it. Also, thanks for letting me know that the jaggery can also be used to make these muffins.. Will try that too :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Instead of using ragi flour also, Can we use only whole wheat flour entirely ?

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Yes, you can use wheat flour alone and make these cupcakes. But ragi flour alone doesn’t work good as it becomes dry. Hope that helps and sorry about the late reply.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank you Julie for your excellent recipe. I will try it for my grandkids.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

The cupcakes were a hit with my 3-year old. He really loved it!

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks so much for the feedback. Am glad that your kiddo loved it.