
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Chana Doce | Doce de Grao | Goan Christmas Sweet ~ Step by Step Pics

Goan Doce or Chana Doce is prepared during Christmas time, weddings and other festivities in Goa. 'Doce' means sweet and 'grao' means grain/ bean in Portugese. This sweet is available throughout the year at the local markets in Goa but its a festive delicacy. This sweet requires intense stirring but the deep flavors when finally cooked is worth all the efforts. The outer is firm and the inside is soft and melt in mouth consistency. Last year I had posted kormolas, which is yet another Goan Christmas delicacy. That was way more crunchy and finished off in no time.

If you wish to have a dry texture then continue to cook a little more time. The chana dal in itself is thick when cooked and may need a little extra water to grind as it sticks to the blades. I put in three batches to grind still there were few solid cooked chana dal left behind. However I didn't wish to add more water which will again be added work to reduce. The biceps get a real workout stirring this yummy sweet so be prepared to face that. If you really wish to try out something new other than Kerala delicacies, then this might be a real yummy sweet distinct from the traditional varieties.

Preparation time~ 20 minutes
Cooking time ~ 30 minutes
Serves ~ 12 -14 pieces
Author ~ Julie
chana dal/ kadala parippu 1 cup ( 200 gm)
sugar granulated 400 gm or 2 cups (I used 1.5 cup)
grated coconut 1.5 cups
cardamom powder/ elakka podi 1 tsp or 6 pods
ghee / neyyu 1 tbsp
salt a pinch

  • Wash and soak the chana dal (kadala parippu) for 3 hours. Then pressure cook the dal with enough water for 3 whistles. Grind the dal using little water or residual water from the cooked dal. Grind the grated coconut with a little dal and water to a smooth paste.

  • Heat a heavy bottomed pan and add the ground dal mixture along with coconut paste, sugar and pinch of salt. Combine this mixture well in a pan and continue to cook by stirring using a long handle spoon. 
  • Initially the sugar starts to melt and the mixture turns liquid but as you continue to cook the mixture thickens. The thickened mixture may start bubbling and splattering so be very careful not to get any burns and scalds. You must be careful not to leave the mixture unattended as the mixture has no ghee or oil and chana dal(kadala parippu) tends to get thicker soon and sticks to the pan. 
  • When the mixture has very less moisture left and comes together as a mass or ball, add cardamom powder and ghee. Transfer on a ghee smeared plate and spread as thin as 1/2 or 1/4 inch thickeness with the help of a ghee smeared spoon. OR transfer the mixture to a parchment paper, cover the mixture using another parchment paper and roll using a rolling pin to spread in 1/2 inch thickness. Cool down slightly.Then cut slices, rub the knife clean each time before slicing. Store in air tight containers in fridge. 

* I have adapted this recipe from here.
* Though we dry up the moisture but its not a completely dry sweet and has fresh coconut paste in it. So its better to refrigerate the sweet and consume within three days.
* Try to use the freshly grated coconut for best tastes. Dessicated coconut doesn't taste the same.

Goan Fish Curry


  1. Didn't know that X'mas is celebrated in India too. This dal sweet looks very yummy!

  2. @Angie's Recipes yes dear.. Christmas is celebrated in India as well :)

  3. Love the perfect melt in mouth texture, looks so yummy


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