
Saturday, March 06, 2021

Butterscotch Pudding (Step by Step Pics)

Butterscotch sauce means scotching butter and brown sugar mixed with cream. I love butterscotch flavors in any forms of desserts, cakes so do my kids. The buttery caramel like smooth flavor entices our taste buds that you almost forget everything around. I know it may sound exaggerating but am a hard core fan of this flavor and I know all butterscotch lovers may agree with me too. I have used granulated white sugar which was caramelized and used to make butterscotch sauce. Once the sauce and praline is ready, the rest of the procedure is very simple just like making any other custard.Also you can prepare the sauce and praline before hand to make custard instantly and set the pudding in no time. 

This is the simplest process that you can make this butterscotch pudding. I have kept it real simple as we love the smooth melt in mouth texture of this pudding. You can try out different variations to this pudding like for example you can add bread slices as a layer or place crushed biscuits as a layer mixed with butter. Make the butterscotch sauce in double the quantity and pour half of the sauce on top of the additional bread or biscuit layer and then pour the prepared pudding on top. This may be an added icing on the cake. Do give this a pudding a try and lemme know too.
Also Check out -

Preparation time~ 10 minutes
Cooking time ~ 20 minutes
Author ~ Julie
Serves ~ 2 bowls
for butterscotch sauce
granulated sugar 1/2 cup
butter 1 tbsp
whipping cream 1/4 cup

for pudding
whole milk 1.5 cups
vanilla extract 1/2 tsp
corn starch 2 tbsp
egg yolk 1
sugar 2 tbsp 

for praline
cashews 2tbsp
almonds 2 tbsp
sugar 1/2 cup


for making praline

  • Toast the nuts in a dry pan for about 3-4 minutes on low medium flame. Remove from pan and then to the same pan add the sugar (1/2 cup) and wait to caramelize. When the sugar is caramelized to golden brown, then add the toasted nuts to this and give a quick stir. Remove on a ghee smeared tray or on a parchment paper. Smoothen down as quickly as possible to flatten the nuts. Leave to cool completely. Then break the nuts and add this to a ziploc bag. Whack this using a rolling pin to lightly crush the nuts and to make the praline. Reserve in air tight containers at room temperature till use.
for making butterscotch sauce

  • Caramelize the sugar in a pan and wait till its golden brown. To this add the butter and mix well. Then add the whipping cream and quickly stir till the sauce becomes thick and reduces froth. Switch off flame and leave to cool.

for making pudding
  • Boil about 1 1/4 cups of milk and reserve the remaining milk(1/4 cup). To the reserved milk add corn starch, mix well. Beat the egg yolk using a fork with 2 tbsp sugar and add spoon full of milk each time to the egg mixture and continue to do this for 3 tbsp and then add this mixture to the boiling milk on stove (this step helps to prevent the egg from getting cooked instantly). Then add the corn starch mixed milk to the boiling milk gradually and continue to stir. The milk mixture thickens like custard as you pour. Finally add the cooled butterscotch sauce and give a quick mix. Switch off flame and leave to cool. add vanilla extract and mix too.

  • Pour in ramekins or glass bowl or pudding bowls, garnish with made praline(adding praline now is optional because if you plan to invert the bowl then add praline just before serving. Refrigerate for a minimum of 2 hours to overnight(I did overnight). Remove from fridge, invert on a plate and serve or serve just like that in ramekins.

* If you like to just scoop and have and don't wish to separate it out of the mold in one piece then can omit the egg yolk. Egg yolk adds the stabilizer and so can be removed out of the bowl easily.
* I made a small batch for kids when I had a little whipping cream left after making cake, but you can always double the ingredients and make in large batches.
* You can also add the praline in the pudding and mix too for an additional crunch.
* You can even add butterscotch essence instead of vanilla essence for a richer flavor. Just add 1/4 tsp.

Please don't forget to check out these simple puddings too -


  1. That looks amazing! Is the pudding like custard?

    1. Thanks, Angie .. the texture is like custard but thickening agent like corn starch is used here unlike the typical custard where in it uses only eggs.

  2. Kothiyavunnu, pudding looks amazing, yum


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