
Monday, January 10, 2022

Baked Round Doughnuts(Donuts) with Jam Filling

After all the holiday chaos, am still not in a mood to bake or try some newer recipes? How about you?  How did your Christmas and holidays go on? Enjoyed ? We had a joyful one with family at home, and we did enjoy the get together but had no big holiday plans. Kids started offline classes soon after coming back, and they are happy to go to schools. Though, the covid cases are rising, and I think restrictions are going to be imposed in the coming days. Anyway, I think we should get used to the fact that life has to move on with the virus for the next  few years, and we should take all precautions to keep the virus at bay. 

Anyway, coming back to today's post- It's baked doughnuts. Kids love doughnuts, but I take a back seat to try it out, as it's deep-fried. However, this is a cute baked version of the doughnuts and have a jam filling in them without much chocolaty cover. These are soft, pillowy ones with a golden crust on top. These are muffin sized doughnuts and are easy to make with no much fuss like baking bread. I dusted the top with confectioners sugar and filled with pineapple jam. Kids loved them, and I was happy to that it has less oil. Do give this a try and enjoy !!

Preparation time ~ 10 minutes
Baking time ~ 10-12 minutes
Serves ~ 15 doughnuts
Author ~ Julie
all-purpose flour(maida) 1.5 cups
granulated sugar 2 tbsp
melted butter 2 tbsp
yeast 1 tsp
egg yolk 1
vanila extract 1/2 tsp
milk 1/3 cup
salt 1/4 tsp

melted butter, 3 tbsp
confectioner's sugar, 2 tbsp
jam 3-4 tbsp

  • Mix the maida(1 cup), granulated sugar, salt and yeast. Add in the melted butter, leuk warm milk, egg yolk, vanilla extract. Combine well. Leave for 10 minutes till you see bubbles on the surface of the batter(the batter will be liquid).
  • Add the remaining maida(all-purpose flour) little by little to make a sticky yet smooth dough. Leave in an oil smeared bowl to rise. Apply a little oil on top too. Keep covered for 1 hour or till it doubles in volume.
  • Punch down the air then and roll this dough over a lightly floured surface to a rectangle of 1/2' thickness.

  • Using a cookie cutter (2'), cut out rounds and place these rounds on a parchment paper lined tray. Collect the scraps and re roll to make a couple more doughnuts, you finish the dough. Cover the tray with a towel and leave the doughnuts to rise again for 45 minutes.
  • In the last 10 minutes of resting, pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees F and brush the top of the doughnut with melted butter.
  • Place in pre-heated oven  and bake for 10 minutes -12 minutes until the top looks golden brown. Remove from oven and brush the top with some melted butter. Dust the top with confectioners sugar and leave to cool completely on a wire rack before filling jam.
  • Add the jam in a piping bag and using a round tip nozzle, poke at one of the sides and pipe the jam in these doughnuts. OR you can make a slit with a serrated knife at the side and push the jam through this hole using the piping bag. When jam pushes out of the doughnuts, stop filling and repeat the same step for filling other doughnuts too. Enjoy !!

* I have used mango jam, but you can use any jam.
* These tastes good without any filling too.



  1. A healthier version of donuts and surely look very tempting with that sweet rich jam filling.

  2. Looks so yummy,perfect tea time snack.


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