
Friday, January 21, 2022

Gajak | Mungfalli- Til Gajak | Peanut- Sesame Brittle(Step by Step Pics)

Gajak is a confection originally from the North-Central India and is made with sesame seeds, jaggery/ sugar and peanuts. Winter times demand some of these warm gajaks to warm up our body. Peanuts, sesame seeds, jaggery  are the basic ones to be precise, but there are much more sophisticated versions with dry fruits and nuts. The basic ingredients of this gajak are popular Indian seasonal available ingredients that are easily available in this weather too.  There are different varieties of gajak available in markets, namely revadi gajak, dry fruits gajak, khas khas gajak, mawa gajak.

These are almost similar to the almond-sesame brittle or peanut brittle, but those are made with melted sugar. Chikki or kappalandi mittai is a close family member of this confection, but there are slight differences too. The peanut chikki is made by adding roasted split peanuts without crushing them, and the jaggery syrup is more liquid and is set in denser squares than gajak. Gajak is simple to make and hardly requirs any time. Do give this a try with the help of the step by step pics listed below and enjoy during this season.

Preparation time ~ 10 minutes
Cooking time ~ 15 minutes
Serves ~ 10-12 gajak pieces
Author ~ Julie
sesame seeds / til/ ellu 1/2 cup
jaggery / sharkara 1/2 cup
peanuts / ground nuts 1/2 cup
cardamom powder / elakka podi 1/2 tsp
ghee 2 tsp

  • Heat a pan and dry roast the peanuts till lightly browned. Cool and peel the skin off. Crush the peanuts coarsely in a blender jar till use.
  • In the same pan on medium flame, add the sesame seeds and dry roast for about 2-3 minutes until it starts to splutter and is nicely roasted. Switch off flame. Reserve about 2tbsp of sesame seeds and crush the rest of the sesame seeds coarsely in a blender jar.
  • Heat a heavy bottomed pan and add the jaggery, add few tbsp of water. Melt the jaggery, strain the impurities in a strainer. Now add ghee in a pan and then add the jaggery syrup back to flame. Continue to boil the syrup to get the correct consistency.

  • Check the consistency of the jaggery syrup by adding a drop of the syrup in water. Wait 30 seconds and try rolling the drop. If the drop of jaggery is soft, then the syrup needs more cooking. Check again by adding in a bowl of water, if the syrup turns solid after 30 seconds then the syrup is ready.
  • At this point, switch off the flame and add the crushed peanuts, crushed sesame seeds, cardamom powder  and mix well. Mix it well to get a round mass. Now, apply ghee over a chapathi board and add the reserved sesame seeds half. Transfer the mixture over this and then add the remaining sesame seeds on top. Then flatten using a rolling pin to 1/2 or 1/3' thick. All this process has to be done when the mixture is warm and don't wait for the mixture to cool completely, else rolling is impossible.
  • Finally, make markings with a knife and cut squares. Leave to cool completely before you break the pieces. Store in airtight containers and enjoy !!

* The consistency of jaggery syrup should be closely watched, If the syrup is under done then the confection will be soft. If the syrup is overdone, then the confection may be bitter.
* Store this confection in airtight containers, can be stored over a month.
* You can double the ingredients and make larger batches by keeping the ratio of peanuts, sesame seeds and jaggery in mind.
* You can make the same with sugar syrup too, but jaggery ones are healthier.
* You can add dry fruits too.



  1. Looks awesome dear, very nicely prepared 💕

  2. I have ZERO control in front of such a treat! Sweet, nutty and absolutely irresistible.

  3. Thank You For Sharing Your Article.its really wonderful


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