
Saturday, April 01, 2023

Vegetable Burger (Crispy Veg Patty)

Vegetable burger is a simple-to-make recipe at home. The only time taken is to make the patties, which are very easy to prepare. These patties can be stored in freezer for one month after rolling in bread crumbs. I have used only carrots and beans in this recipe to make the patties, but you can add veggies of your choice. It's better to refrain from adding veggies that leave out water. Give this a try and enjoy your homemade veg burger !!

Preparation time ~ 15 minutes
Cooking time ~ 20 minutes
Author ~ Julie
Serves ~ 4 burgers
burger buns 4
cheese slices 4
lettuce leaves 4-6
tomato 2, sliced
burger mayonnaise 4 tbsp
butter 2-3 tbsp

for patty
potatoes 3,boiled & mashed
carrots 2 small chopped
beans 4-5, fine chopped
ginger-garlic paste 2 tsp
green chilli 2 chopped
chilly powder 1/2 tsp
turmeric powder 1/8 tsp
cumin powder 1/4 tsp
coriander leaves 2 tbsp
salt to taste
oil 2 tbsp
bread crumbs 1/2 cup
corn flour 1/3 cup
water 1/2 cup

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  • Heat a pan and add oil. To this, add the ginger-garlic paste along with green chilli. Sauté until crisp. Then add finely chopped carrots and beans. Add salt and sweat them till crisp.
  • Add in the spice powders on low flame and sauté. Add the grated potatoes and give a quick mix. Adjust salt if needed. Finally, add chopped coriander leaves. Switch off flame. 
  • Divide the mixture when it is warm in four. Shape the patties using a cookie cutter and then refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  • Make a slurry using corn flour and water to dip the patty (Don't make the slurry very watery). Add bread crumbs to another plate, dip each of the made patty in the corn flour slurry, roll in bread crumbs. Similarly, prepare all the patties.
  • Heat a pan and add oil to shallow fry the patties. Slide in each of the patties and fry till golden brown, flipping all sides gently (The sides can be fried by tilting the oil towards one side). Remove using slotted spoon on a paper towel (remove the paper towel immediately as the patty loses the crispiness).
  • Repeat frying all patties till crisp. 
  • Heat butter (1 tsp) in a frying pan and cut the burger buns in half. Place the half buns to toast nicely on the butter. Remove to a plate, apply burger mayonnaise. Place lettuce leaves, place the prepare crispy patty. Add a cheese slice, place tomato slices. Spread burger mayonnaise on the top cut bun and place on top. Secure with a tooth pick and enjoy !!

* You can add an egg instead of corn flour slurry. I wished to keep as complete vegetarian recipe, so made the corn flour slurry.
* These patties can be stored in freezer for one month after rolling in bread crumbs. 

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