
Friday, June 30, 2023

Granola Bars | Dry Fruit Energy Bar (No Sugar, No Jaggery)

Granola bars and granola are regarded one of the quick and healthy snack option on a day-to-day run that can be had without much guilt. Little did I know initially, when I used to grab a box of granola bars from Costco. and other outlets, thinking they make up a good midday snack for my kids. However, when I started reading the ingredients, the whole story changed. All these store bought granola bars had corn syrup, sugar and other sweeteners to bind it up. Then, I gave up buying the ready-made packs unless there is an emergency call. I started trying out granola and granola bars at home, which seemed quite easy to prepare and can be stored for a week at room temperature and upto 2 weeks in the refrigerator (haven't stored more than that as I make smaller batches).

The best thing about homemade granola or granola bars is that you can always play up with different grains, seeds, dry fruits and nuts. Check out this no sweetner banana oats bar which is a very healthy guilt free snack, it is more of a chewy kind. I have also posted a fruit and nut bars made with whole wheat flour, jaggery and dry fruits. Check that out here. Today's recipe is another simple granola bars made with dates paste, and this whole recipe depends on the type of dates used. Dates are not fondly eaten by my kids unless I sneak dates in any form of snacks and so I have used dates here in this recipe. Medjool or sukkari dates work best for this recipe as the dates should be very soft, pliable and sweet. These dry fruit energy bars are crisp on the outside and chewy inside. Give this a try and am sure all will love this recipe.

Preparation time ~ 10 minutes
Cooking time ~ 10–15 minutes
Serves ~ 12 rectangular bars
Author ~ Julie
oats 1 cup
almonds 1/2 cup
cashews 1/2 cup
pistachio 1/4 cup
sunflower seeds 2 tbsp
flax seeds 2 tbsp
sesame seeds 2 tbsp
dessicated coconut 1/2 cup
dates(pitted & cleaned) 1+ 1/4 cups
salt a pinch

  • In a mixer jar, add the pitted, cleaned dates and grind to a smooth paste without adding any water. If you are using hard dates, then soak the dates in hot water for 20 minutes. Drain water and grind without adding water. Keep aside.
  • Dry roast almonds in a pan for 3–4 minutes until nicely toasted. Remove to a plate.
  • Similarly, toast the cashews followed by sunflower seeds, flax seeds. Add the sesame seeds when the other two seeds are toasted half way. Sesame seeds starts to pop up, indicating it's nicely toasted. Remove to a plate.
  • Add the oats and roast until it's fragrant. Add the dessicated coconut along and toast another two minutes till it's crisp. Remove to a bowl.
  • Roughly chop the almond, cashews and pistachios. Add to the bowl with oats, add a pinch of salt. 
Watch on YouTube -

  • Add the sunflower seeds, flax seeds and sesame seeds followed by dried cranberries.
  • Add the date paste and using clean hands mix it thoroughly. The mix will be sticky.
  • Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F or 180 degrees C for 10 minutes. Line an 8*8 square tray with parchment paper on all sides.
  • Transfer the mix to the tray and level it up with a spatula. Apply a little ghee on the back of a lid and press down the mix, applying pressure to fill in any gaps or air pockets. Apply pressure to get a uniform, smooth surface.
  • Mark up the mix with lines so that it becomes easy to cut once baked. You can mark rectangular or square lines as you desire.
  • Place in oven and bake for 17–20 minutes until the sides and top look crisp and done.
  • Cool for 5 minutes and then remove the bars from the tray. Cool completely and then cut along with markings. Roll in parchment papers or line up and then stack up the snack in airtight containers. Enjoy !!

* You can add 2 tbsp honey if the dates used is not very sticky and doesn't hold the mix together.
* I have used sukkari dates, but medjool dates work fine. Use soft type dates so that you don't have to soak the dates and can be used just like that.
* If you are using harder dates, soak the dates in hot water for 15–20 minutes. Discard the water and grind to a smooth paste.
* You can use peanut butter instead of dessicated coconut. 
* Use black raisins instead of cranberries or any other dried berries.
* Rolled oats adds more fiber and crunch to the granola bars, but quick oats also works fine.
* Use any other melon seeds instead of sunflower, flax and sesame seeds, the measure remains the same.
* Adding cashew & pistachios is optional, use walnut instead.


1 comment:

  1. They look chewy and crunchy. Perfect as a lunch box filler or afternoon pick-me-up!


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